Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mommy intro

Intro's totally aren't my thing, but since there'll probably be people I don't know reading this, I might as well do one. That way, I don't have to backstory on everything.

Let's see...

I'm a 21 year old SAHM (stay at home mom) to an almost 2 year old. I am engaged to the second love of my life, and his name is Andrew. Our daughter's name is Autumn and she is definitely a firecracker on wheels, no training wheels attached. We do plan on extending our family this year, so there'll probably be a lot of that. No, I am not going to go 50 Shades on you, just updates. ;)

I have been married before - for 6 short, sweet months. He was KIA in Afghanistan in 2009. Drowned trying to save a friend during a firefight. He was my best friend. I never thought I'd find another love like that. Until Andrew showed up. You see, Andrew & Brandon were best friends and I was friends with Andrew while I was married to Brandon. (I used to think Andrew was gay, until ya know, we created offspring together). So, long story short, we got drunk, made a baby, weren't together for 17 months and then the magical powers brought us back together. We rekindled things last May. Being with Andrew has helped me heal from Brandon, and being able to share stories of him is what keeps his memory alive.

Okay, enough mushy stuff.

Autumn was born on September 28, 2010 at 5:36 p.m. She was 8 lbs, 1 ounce & 21 inches long.
Oh, she came out screaming and trying to suck her thumb. Yeah, we got it kiddo, we know you're here. :p
Much hasn't changed since then except that she can walk, talk and throw huge hissy fits. But that's a toddler for ya. She's curly haired, blue/green eyed and has the cutest gap between her front teeth. She's friendly and sweet and loves to give hugs. Her favorite shows are Doc McStuffins and Phineas and Ferb and probably anything on NickJr. She loves popsicles, veggies, fruit, and hotdogs. Her favorite place is outside, and she's obsessed with stickers and coloring. Did I mention she's nothing but a huge bottle rocket of energy?

My views.

(These are my views. I don't care if you don't like them. I am entitled to them, just as you are. I have done plenty of research and made my OWN educated decision.)

Natural birth vs. Medicated birth:

I had an epidural and I now have back problems because of it. I didn't have an epidural PROPERLY placed in my spine until I was over 7 cm's dilated. I was able to enjoy her birth. Next go around, I definitely want a natural birth, or at least try again. I'm not for or against either one.


I tried, I couldn't do it. Second baby, I want to extensively breast feed until they are at least 1.

Formula feeding:

I did it. I enjoyed it. But, I'm open to other routes.


We do all vaccinations, except for flu.


I am not a male, I refuse to make this decision. Andrew is FOR circumcising. That is what we will do.
He has the genitals, not I.

Rear facing vs. Forward facing:

She RF'd until she was 1. I don't belive in ERF. If you do it, kudos. But I was happier and she was happier when she wasn't puking all over herself from being car sick.

CIO method:

We've used it. Especially when I know nothing is direly wrong with her. We didn't use it until she was almost 1. Until then, I felt she was too young.


Um, no thanks. Not for me. I like my child to be in their own space, whether it be in a bassinet next to my bed or a toddler bed in her own room. I would rather know my child is safely sleeping alone with her blanket, than with the risk of me rolling over on her and suffocating her.

I think that's all the major things that have been floating around FB and the interwebs lately.

I also don't cloth diaper. I don't have the patience. She doesn't suck her thumb or have a pacifier. She quit on her own. I don't do the 'organic route'. I think that places me under the 'silky mama' category. I can't remember.

But anywho, that's my intro.

Here's some pics of my gorgeous baby.

19 months.

 20 months. 

21 months. <3

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